WMC Courses & Trainings


Jayne Bock, PhD

Technical Director

Jayne Bock, PhD

Andrew Mense

Food Scientist & Public Projects Manager

Liman Liu

Operations & Proprietary Projects Manager

Public, Custom & USW Courses

Wheat Marketing Center (WMC) can provide hands-on training in our state-of-the-art facilities in Portland, Oregon. Our facility encompasses our pilot scale lines including: cracker & biscuit, Asian noodle, and tortilla, plus Bake and Analytical Laboratories. WMC offers public, custom, and U.S. Wheat Associates courses for in-person and virtual experiences. These courses are typically offered November-July and led by our technical team of professionals to the left. We also partner with industry professionals for specific courses to assure the quality and excellence of our offerings.

WMC’s presents this core curriculum focusing on the foundation of our three pillars:

  • End-product quality and development
  • Testing and analysis
  • Interpretation, conclusion, and reporting

Training provided by WMC allow domestic and well as international participants to develop technical knowledge and skills in areas that will allow them to gain the insight needed backed by testing and analysis to provide desired outcomes and results. Companies and organizations interested in developing new products, exploring how to improve end product quality, or understanding how wheat and flour analytical testing can inform the milling and production processes are encouraged to explore the best options for them below. You may also visit our WMC Classroom page for recent and past course examples.


Wheat Marketing Center (WMC) provides a wide variety of hands-on and virtual courses and trainings. These include, but not limited to end-product skills and development in the areas of breads, cakes, cookies, crackers, noodles, and tortillas. WMC can also provide technical training courses where attendees will engage in testing and analysis of wheat, flour, and end-products.

Due to COVID and other restrictions, WMC is taking some time to develop virtual, public, and hybrid model courses to meet quality and safety standards, plus the educational needs of our customers.

To learn more about upcoming 2023 courses, please visit our Calendar of Events. If there is a desired course you do not see or cannot make the ones on the calendar, please fill out our WMC Course Inquiry Form. We will do our best to accommodate your request.


WMC designs custom courses to meet specific technical needs, both public and proprietary companies and organizations. These courses can be for private companies engaged in new product development, equipment companies offering training, or commodity boards promoting a complementary product. Our highly skilled team of professionals can guide teams through the use of our pilot bakery equipment and lines including a range of mixers, fermentation cabinets, ovens, blast freezer, bagel, cracker & cookie, noodle, and tortilla lines.

We also provide guidance on research, education, testing, analysis, conclusion, and reporting to benefit your company or organization.

If you want to send a custom inquiry to our Educational Team, please fill out our Custom Course Inquiry Form.


U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) is a market development organization with offices in key markets around the world working to promote U.S. wheat. Its mission is to “develop, maintain and expand international markets and to enhance the profitability of U.S. wheat producers and their customers.” Each year, USW and the Wheat Marketing Center team up to provide technical training to key customers. Examples of the courses include:

  • Flour blending for End Product Quality
  • Contracting for Wheat Value Workshops
  • Whole Wheat Baking Study Team

USW offices in Asia, Africa and Latin America organize the participants and suggest course priorities; WMC conducts the courses using its pilot scale production lines, analytical capabilities and staff expertise.

Access WMC Classroom page for recent courses and other examples.