October is a busy month for quality labs across the country, as we make the final push to meet the CQ reporting deadlines. This month we would like to recognize the importance of our partnership with two labs – the ARS facility in Manhattan, KS and the NDSU quality lab in Fargo, ND. WMC gathers samples of all classes of PNW wheat, has them graded, and then sends HRW and HRS samples to other labs for further evaluation. Dr. Brad Seabourn and his team evaluate HRW from across the country and provide the data to USW. With the later PNW harvest, we all scramble to get the PNW samples to Manhattan as quickly as possible. NDSU handles HRS evaluation; WMC ships several boxes of spring wheat samples to Kelly McMonagle and DeLane Olsen each year. The labs also help each other when something goes wrong. We send special thanks to DeLane for helping with our wet gluten and starch damage challenges this year.