Last week, the boards of Wheat Marketing Center, WMC Lab Services, and WMC Title Holding Company met and confirmed directors and officers. Greg Guthrie (WMC) and Brian O’Toole (WMC Lab Services) retired from their respective boards with much appreciation for their service expressed by all. Randy Olstad from PNW Cooperative was confirmed as the new member of the Wheat Marketing Center Board. Welcome to Randy and thanks to all board members for their participation.

With the USW Core Competency Training and the WMC March Board Meeting successfully completed, our attention returns to ongoing business and a new transition. Jayne and Andrew resume their focus on research projects, both public and private. Bon and Liman begin refreshing Liman’s analytical skills and conduct Lab Services testing as needed. Brent and Janice are wrapping up board meeting follow-up and preparing for the new Executive Director, Mike Moran, to begin on April 1. Janice and Mike will overlap for a few months to ensure a smooth transition of knowledge and institutional history. Welcome to Mike!